Our meetings are collegial, informative and geared towards building consensus on the correct way to use charges and bill services. Directors and managers that attend our on-site sessions speak positively about the experience. Often times, we find directors and managers that originally did not schedule with us during our onsite visit demand to be added to our onsite schedule after hearing their in-house peers talk about their encounter with our team.
CMI employees stay current on coding standards via ongoing review of the CMS website, subscriptions to various professional publications and constant research in support of our clients. CMI recommendations are based upon CMS regulations and coding standards as advocated by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS), MAC Local Coverage Determinations, the American Medical Association (AMA), the American Hospital Association HCPCS Coding Clinic (AHA), the Society for Interventional Radiology, (SIR), the Society of Nuclear Medicine (SNM), the Heart Rhythm Society (HRS), the American Red Cross and other recognized professional organizations.
As far as we know, we are the only company that projects our review of the CDM during our department meetings so that the department directors and managers can actively participate in the review process. This ensures that you will have significant buy-in to our findings and recommendations during the implementation phase.
Education sessions provided during our on-site visit improve the organizational understanding of the chargemaster, the importance of accurate and full charging and the role of directors and managers in the process.
Contact CMI for more information.